The most generous loyalty program in Cameroun !
As an Elite Club Member, not only will you get preferential room rates for club members only , you will also receive discount from 5% to 20% on room rates, foods and drinks and even better, you will earn points.
For money spent at the hotel:
Offers exclusively reserved for members ONLY
As an Elite Club Member, not only will you get preferential room rates for club members only , you will also receive discount from 5% to 20% on room rates, foods and drinks and even better, you will earn points.
For money spent at the hotel:
Offers exclusively reserved for members ONLY
And the longer you stay, the more your status evolves and so do your benefits::
Negotiated corporate contracts earn points through all booking channels. Bookings made through online travel sites are not eligible to earn points.
Earn points during your stay
Each 500 FCFA spent = 1 point
500 points = 1 voucher for 12,500 CFA francs to spend at the hotel;
3000 points = 1 weekend of 2 nights + breakfasts for 2 people offered
On your birthday at the hotel = 1 complimentary bottle of wine.
Registration at your hotel reception or directly by clicking on the button below: